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The River Hue
Me: Concept & Art direction
"There is a joke in China, they say you can predict the 'it' color for the season by looking at the colour of the river."
As China's clothing export market has grown, so has the impact on its rivers. The industry now produces 2.5 billion tonnes of wastewater every year, much of which is released into waterways without being properly treated. In some areas, the chemical dyes used to add color to our clothes are released in such high quantities that they change the color of the water. The effect of these substances entering waterways can be devastating and poses a huge risk to ecosystems and public health. This issue isn't limited to China; toxic chemicals washing into waterways is becoming a huge source of pollution around the world - especially in developing countries. It's estimated that the treatment and dyeing of textiles is responsible for 20 per cent of global industrial water pollution.

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